Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment
SAGE Environmental Services has diverse experience in conducting human health and ecological risk assessments. Sage have the ability to provide complimentary services to Site Investigation and Remediation by establishing site specific remedial risk based goals. In addition we are able to provide independent verification and training in risk assessment.
Case Studies
SAGE was engaged to conduct an independent Human Health Risk Assessment for the Cadia Valley Operations in Orange, NSW. The HHRA was conducted in response to community concerns about impacts to drinking water supply from air and dust emissions from the mine.
The HHRA used a number of data sources to estimate intakes to residents of 12 neighbouring suburbs to the mine. The chemicals of concern identified were metals associated with the vent emissions and tailings dam composition.
The HHRA concluded that the contribution to overall risk from Cadia Valley Operations was 1-17% of the overall risk, with potential risks identified with the consumption of drinking water impacted with copper which was a result of localised impacts from the home or property.
The HHRA was submitted to the NSW EPA and was independently peer reviewed.
Human Health Risk Assessment | Cadia Valley Operations | Newcrest
SAGE was engaged to provide a Human Health Risk Assessment for an urban redevelopment site adjacent to a former dry-cleaning facility. The assessment involved the quantification of health risks from chlorinated volatile substances within the groundwater and soil vapour beneath the site.
SAGE employed a proactive approach to the assessment of risk by considering a number of options to enable multiple future site uses to be understood. SAGE delivered a high-quality risk assessment, continually communicating with the client and other consultants to deliver the works within a tight project deadline.
Amanda with a previous employer was the lead author for one and then task leader/ verifier for the remaining four human health and ecological risk assessments completed for Lend Lease for Barangaroo in order to develop site specific remedial criteria. Angela was the lead author on one of the health risk assessments developed for the site.
The site was situated on a portion of the historical Millers Point Gasworks Site. The approach of developing remedial criteria that was site specific and based on the proposed development resulted in outcomes for the client that were sustainable and economically feasible whilst being protective of human health and the environment. The development of site specific remedial goals was complex due to the nature and number of chemicals of potential concern which were identified.
The process involved considerable engagement and independent review from the Authority, State Government and the appointed Contaminated Land Auditor given the nature of the proposed development and the state significant development classification.